History Day Previous Topics

Archived collection of previously suggested History Day resources by topic. Links not maintained.

Cancer Trials & Placebos

Cancer Trials and Placebos


Connecticut State Library

Many of our older documents might not be in our library catalog. If you are looking for older documents, please ask for help.


Searching these databases may lead to articles of interest.

Not all articles will be available and not all databases may be used outside of the Connecticut State Library Building



NOTE: The citations here are in medical format. You should determine what information is needed for the History Day citation style format. You may need to go back to the articles/links and determine from which database or federal agency they came.

Items listed in no particular order.

Sometime you can see an abstract (formal summary) of an article in a free database, but must have access to a subscription database to read the entire article. If the article looks helpful, a librarian can help locate where you might access the article.

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