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Alan Turing

Search catalog (Primo)

  • Possible Terms:
    • Enigma
    • Turing
    • cipher* (* is a wildcard so you get cipher, ciphering, etc)
    • decipher*
    • Cryptography (or cryptograph*)
    • Electronic Intelligence
    • Bletchley Park
  • The cryptographic mathematics of Enigma [microform]  StLib Fed Doc Microfiche  D 1.2:EN 4/2
  • German cipher machines of World War II [electronic resource] / David P. Mowry.  SuDoc: D 1.2:G 31 
  • The man who knew too much : Alan Turing and the invention of the computer StLib Stacks QA29.T8 L43 2006  

From Public Documents Masterfile

  • Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Author(s):     Turing, A. M. author Citations:       Creative Computingv6 n1 p44-53 Jan 1980 Notes:     CIJJUN1980 ERIC eric:issue This is a reprint of an article which originally appeared in 1950 in which Turing first describes "The Turing Test." The question "Can machines think?" is discussed in detail. (MK)
  • Talking Turing: How the Imitation Game Plays Out in the Classroom. Author(s): Rose, Ellen author [S.1.] : Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse 1998 Citations:      Educational Technologyv38 n3 p56-61 May-Jun 1998 Notes: CIJFEB1999 ERIC Explores the role Turing's imitation game has played in shaping notions of humanity and technology, specifically the use of digital technology in education. Discusses the potency of culturally and historically embedded discourse within a field which views practice as disengaged, through the force of technological "revolution," from social and historical contexts.

From CQ Electronic Library

Alan M. Turing, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” Mind, Vol. LIX, No. 236, October 1950, http://mind.oxfordjournals.org/content/LIX/236/433.full.pdf+html.

Lavender Scare

Lavender Scare

See also the general guide for History Day. Under Civil Rights page there with be a box of LBGTQIN2 resources that cover a broad topic than Lavender Scare.

Lavender Scare Government Publications

Lavender Scare Government Publications

Many of these may be found online through our subscription databases as well as freely accessed websites.

See also the links to other libraries' guides (below).


  • Senator Joseph McCarthy spoke on Senate floor. Congressional Record, 81st Congress, 2nd Session, Vol. 96, Part 2, pp. 1952–1981
  • Congressional Record. Feb 20, 1945. Extension of Remarks (Appendix) by Joseph Clark Baldwin (NY) in reference to Caligula and the downfall of Rome.
  • Report of the Joint Special Committee to Investigate Chinese Immigration. (1877)
  • 1891 immigration law
  • Immigration Act of 1917
  • 1917 Navy investigation at Newport Naval Station. In response, Articles of War were updated in 1920-21.
  • 1921 Senate Naval Affairs Committee recommended discharge of "suspected perverts."
  • 1921 Army Regulation 40-105 - screened recruits for medical defects and included sexual orientation.
  • Tariff Act of 1922 and Tariff Act of 1930 - Customs Service was not to allow "obscene" materials from other countries into the United States.
  • 1944 War Department Circular No. 3 addressed same-sex relations within military.
  • 1944 WAC training camp at Fort Oglethorpe screened women.
  • Employment of Moral Perverts by Government Agencies


  • Supreme Court Opinions 1952. Sweeney v. Woodall.
  • One, Incv. Olesen 
    • 241 F.2d 772, reversed. Eric Julberfor petitioner. Solicitor General Rankin, Acting Assistant Attorney General Leonard and Samuel D. Slade for respondent. PER CURIAM. The petition for writ of certiorari is granted and the judgment of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit is reversed. Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476.

Executive Branch

Census Bureau

Lavender Scare Articles, Databases, etc

Lavender Scare Articles, Databases, etc

  • "History of LGBT: Federal Law and Policy" in Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in America. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 2004.

Lavender Scare Books, etc

Lavender Scare Books, etc

Lavender Scare Other Institutions

Lavender Scare Other Institutions

National Archives - NARA

Library of Congress (LOC)

Executive Branch


Gay Rights Bill of 1975

Gay Rights Bill of 1975

Also check the general History Day guide. There are numerous resources listed there that won't be repeated here.


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