History Day research benefits from using primary sources. The Connecticut State Library (CSL) is a good resource, especially for topics related to Connecticut and/or federal government. Recognizing that travel to our building is not always possible, there is an emphasis on resources with remote access (although not exclusively).
This guide is to supplement our other research guides. Be sure to check the main research guides, as resources listed there are often not repeated on CSL History Day research pages. And be sure to check your local, state, and national History Day web sites.
This guide was originally created as a "scratch pad" for librarians, and not meant for public viewing. We are in the process of changing the focus. Please be patient. Jenny Groome will accept recommendations for the page, but the Connecticut State Library has final decision on how we present our research guides.
Over time, this guide will focus more on Connecticut topics, with more national topics moving to the collaborative guide.
Want a little more information and inspiration for Connecticut History Day? Don't take our word, hear other students.
Please be advised that some of these resources--particularly those created in previous eras--contain descriptions for ancestral, racial, ethnic, and gender identity that may be offensive or harmful to individuals investigating these records, and are considered inappropriate to use in modern times. The descriptions and treatment of historically marginalized groups, women, and animals may be upsetting. Also, please note that inclusion in this subject guide does not necessarily constitute endorsement of the views therein--we encourage investigators to use their own judgment when evaluating books, websites, articles, documents, and other resources.
It was requested that resources be presented by time period as well as by broad subjects. Not all topics fit nicely into time periods, but we will attempt to organize links to resources by time periods.
First Encounters and the Colonial Era (pre-1775)
Revolutionary War and a New Nation (1775-1815)
The Era of Reform (1815-1859)
Civil War and Reconstruction (1860-1877)
Rise of Industrial America (1878-1900)
Progressive to New Eras (1900-1929)
Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Post War United States (1945-1968)
Contemporary United States (1969-present)
Included here are selected resources that may help History Day students who visit the Connecticut State Library to conduct research. Often a box from a previous year might be included in a related topic. This guide is for general information - and each year the previous guide information should be added to the Previous Topics guide, and the new topics will be included here. The URL for current information will remain https://libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/historyday.
Items here are only suggestions to get them started - we do not know the details of the research.
START with our Library catalog
Handout from Connecticut State Library
To students who might see this page: You are the researcher; you pick the focus.
We are only listing a few of the possible resources at the Connecticut State Library, based on a broad subject. It may be of help, or not. Contact us and we'll figure that out together. We will not conduct research for you, but will assist you in your research.
If you need help (especially with focusing): speak with your teacher; check with school librarian; consult judge's comments on how to improve your project; seek out official History Day websites; let us know your focus and areas requiring more research.
The following links go to older guides for visits to the Connecticut State Library for History Day research.
THEY ARE NOT MAINTAINED and presented only as an archive. Like other guides, not all topics had resources listed in the guide and not all resources suggested made it to the guide.
Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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