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Governors of Connecticut 1639-

Leads to online and print resources about Connecticut's Governors, past and present.

Jonathan Trumbull

Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, 1769-1776

Governor of Connecticut, 1776-1784

Born: October 12, 1710, Lebanon, Connecticut
College: Harvard, 1727 and M.A., 1730
Political Party: None
Offices: Connecticut General Assembly, various terms 1733-1754
Lieutenant of Troop of Horse, 1735
Lieutenant Colonel 12th Regiment, 1739
Clerk, House of Representatives, 1738
Speaker, House of Representatives, 1739, 1752, 1754
Justice of the Peace, Windham County, 1738-1739, 1744, 1751-1753
Council of Assistants, 1740-1751, 1754, 1756, 1762-1764
Judge of the Quorum, 1744, 1745
Judge, Windham County County Court, 1746-1753, 1757-1765
Judge, Windham County Superior Court, 1754, 1755
Judge, Windham Probate Court, 1747-1751, 1755-1767
Deputy Governor, Colony of Connecticut, 1766-1769
Chief Justice, Connecticut Superior Court, 1766-1769
Governor, Colony of Connecticut, October 1769-October 10, 1776
Governor, State of Connecticut, October 10, 1776-May 1784
Died: August 17, 1785, Lebanon, Connecticut
