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Governors of Connecticut 1639-

Leads to online and print resources about Connecticut's Governors, past and present.

Rell, M. Jodi

M. Jodi Rell

Lieutenant Governor for Rowland.


Became Governor July 1, 2004 at 12:00 Noon, in succession to John G. Rowland, who resigned.

Died November 20, 2024

Rell- Executive Orders

Addresses to CGA - Rell

These are only some examples.


  • “Lieutenant Governor Becomes Governor.” State News (Council of State Governments) 47, no. 7 (August 2004): 31.,ip,cpid&custid=connsl&db=f5h&AN=14079725&site=ehost-live&scope=site.   Accessed 14 November 2023
    • p.31 "Connecticut is experiencing the first party split between the office of governor and lieutenant governor in 25 years. On July 1, Gov. M. Jodi Rell succeeded to the office from the position of lieutenant governor, after former Gov. John Rowland resigned...Rell becomes the state’s first Republican female chief executive....As specified by the state constitution, four-term state Senate President Pro Tem Kevin Sullivan, a Democrat, became lieutenant governor on July 1 as part of the gubernatorial succession."