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Probate Districts by Town

Towns Weston-Windsor Locks

Weston, Fairfield County

Town incorporated October 1787. Parent town: Fairfield.

Probate overview

The Weston Probate District was constituted May 22, 1832 from the Fairfield Probate District. This district merged with the Westport Probate District on July 22, 1875 to become part of the Westport District. The Westport Probate District currently serves the municipalities of Weston and Westport.

Town of Weston, probate chronology:

  • October 1787 - May 21, 1832, Fairfield District
  • May 22, 1832 - July 22, 1875, Weston District
  • July 23, 1875 - Present, Westport District

Indexes, records, archival materials

Probate files available online through FamilySearch
  • There are no probate files available online for this district.

Westport, Fairfield County

Incorporated 1835. Parent towns: Fairfield, Norwalk, Weston.

Probate overview

The Westport District was created in 1835 from the Fairfield and Norwalk districts. It absorbed the Weston Probate District on July 22, 1875. The Westport Probate District currently serves the municipalities of Weston and Westport.

Town of Westport probate chronology:

  • May 1835 – Present, Westport District

Indexes, records, archival materials

Probate files available online through FamilySearch
  • There are no probate files available online for this district.

Wethersfield, Hartford County

Town established 1634.

Probate overview

Probate matters for Wethersfield were handled by the Hartford Probate District until January 6, 1975, when the The Newington Probate District was formed. The Newington Probate District has processed probate matters for the Town of Wethersfield from that time. The Newington Probate District currently serves the municipalities of Newington, Rocky Hill and Wethersfield.

Town of Wethersfield, Probate District chronology:

  • 1634 – January 7, 1975, Hartford County and District
  • January 8, 1975 – Present, Newington District

For Wethersfield probate material, see: Hartford.

Willington, Tolland County

Town established May 1727.

Probate overview

The Tolland Probate District, constituted June 4, 1830 from the Stafford Probate District, processed probate matters for the Town of Willington from that time. The Tolland Probate District merged with the Mansfield Probate District on January 5, 2011 to create the Mansfield – Tolland Probate District, which currently serves the municipalities of Coventry, Mansfield, Tolland, and Willington.

Town of Willington, Probate District chronology:

  • May 1727 – May 1759, Hartford District
  • May 1759 – June 3, 1830, Stafford District
  • June 4, 1830 – January 4, 2011, Tolland District
  • January 5, 2011 – Present, Mansfield – Tolland District

For Willington probate material, see: Tolland.

Wilton, Fairfield County

Town incorporated May 1802. Parent town: Norwalk.

Probate overview

The Norwalk Probate District, constituted May 1802 from the Fairfield and Stamford Probate Districts, has processed probate matters for the Town of Wilton from its incorporation. The Norwalk Probate District currently serves the municipalities of Norwalk and Wilton.

Town of Wilton, Probate District chronology:

  • May 1802 – Present, Norwalk District

For Wilton probate material, see: Norwalk.

Winchester, Litchfield County

Town established 1771.

Probate overview

The Winchester Probate District was constituted May 31, 1838 from the Norfolk Probate District. The Winchester Probate District merged with the New Hartford and Torrington Probate Districts on January 5, 2011 to create the Torrington Area Probate District which serves the municipalities of Barkhamsted, Colebrook, Goshen, Hartland, New Hartford, Torrington, and Winchester.

The Winchester Probate District also included the municipality of Colebrook from May 31, 1838 to January 4, 2011.

Town of Winchester Probate District chronology:

  • 1771 - May 1779, Simsbury District
  • May 1779 - May 30, 1838, Norfolk District
  • May 31, 1838 - January 4, 2011, Winchester District
  • January 5, 2011 - Present, Torrington Area District

Indexes, records, archival materials

Probate files available online through FamilySearch

Windham, Windham County

Town established 1692.

Probate overview

The Windham Probate District was constituted October 1719, from the Hartford and New London Probate Districts. The Windham Probate District merged with the Colchester, Eastford (part), and Hampton Probate Districts on January 5, 2011 to create the Windham-Colchester Probate District, which currently serves the municipalities of Chaplin, Colchester, Hampton, Lebanon, Scotland, and Windham.

The Windham Probate District also served the following municipalities at various times:

  • Ashford, October 1719 - May 1752;
  • Canterbury, October 1719 - May 1747;
  • Chaplin, May 1822 - June 6, 1850;
  • Columbia, May 1804 - May 1808;
  • Coventry, October 1719 - May 1789;
  • Hampton, October 1786 - June 2, 1836;
  • Killingly, October 1719 - May 1747;
  • Lebanon, October 1719 - June 1, 1826;
  • Mansfield, October 1719 - May 29, 1831;
  • Plainfield, October 1719 - May 1747;
  • Pomfret, October 1719 - May 1752;
  • Scotland, May 1857 - January 4, 2011;
  • Union, October 1734 - May 1752;
  • Voluntown, May 1726 - May 1747;
  • Woodstock, May 1749 - May 1752

Town of Windham probate chronology:

  • May 1692 - October 1719, Hartford County Court and District
  • May 1692 - October 1719, New London County Court and District
  • October 1719 - January 4, 2011, Windham District
  • January 5, 2011 - Present, Windham-Colchester District

Indexes, records, archival materials

Probate files available online through FamilySearch

Windsor, Hartford County

Town established 1633.

Probate overview

The Windsor Probate District was constituted July 4, 1855, from the Hartford Probate District. The Windsor Probate District merged with the East Windsor Probate District on January 5, 2011 to create the Greater Windsor Probate District, which currently serves the municipalities of East Windsor, South Windsor, and Windsor.

Town of Windsor probate chronology:

  • 1633 - July 3, 1855, Hartford District
  • 1649 - 1677, Particular Court Records
  • May 1759 - May 1768, Stafford District (covered Ellington Parish until it was set off with
  • the Town of East Windsor in 1768)
  • July 4, 1855 - January 4, 2011 Windsor District
  • January 5, 2011 - Present, Greater Windsor District

Indexes, records, archival materials

Probate files available online through FamilySearch
  • There are no probate files available online for this district.

Windsor Locks, Hartford County

Town incorporated May 1854. Parent town: Windsor.

Probate overview

The Windsor Locks District was constituted January 4, 1961, from the Hartford Probate District. The Windsor Locks District merged with the Bloomfield and Suffield – East Granby Probate Districts on January 5, 2011 to create the Tobacco Valley Probate District, which currently serves the municipalities of Bloomfield, East Granby, Suffield, and Windsor Locks.

Town of Windsor Locks, Probate District chronology:

  • May 1854 – January 3, 1961, Hartford District
  • January 4, 1961 – January 4, 2011, Windsor Locks District
  • January 5, 2011 – Present, Tobacco Valley District

The Connecticut State Library does not hold any original records from the Windsor Locks Probate District.

For Windsor Locks probate material, see: Hartford.

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