Incorporated 1839. Parent towns: Lyme, Waterford.
The East Lyme Probate District was constituted on July 9, 1841 from the Colchester and New London Probate Districts. The East Lyme Probate District merged with the Salem, Montville, and Old Lyme Probate Districts on January 5, 2011 to create the Region #32 Probate District, which currently serves the municipalities of East Lyme, Montville, Old Lyme, and Salem.
Town of East Lyme probate chronology:
Series 1, 1843-1880:
Series 2, 1881-1915:
Incorporated 1768. Parent town: Windsor.
The East Windsor Probate District was constituted May 1782, from the Hartford and Stafford Probate Districts. The East Windsor Probate District merged with the Windsor Probate District on January 5, 2011 to create the Region #4 Probate District, which currently serves the municipalities of East Windsor, South Windsor, and Windsor.
The East Windsor Probate District also served the following municipalities at various times:
Town of East Windsor probate chronology:
Series 1, 1782-1880:
Series 2, 1881-1915:
Incorporated 1847. Parent town: Ashford.
The Eastford Probate District was constituted June 21, 1849, from the Ashford Probate District. The Town of Eastford section of the Eastford Probate District merged on January 5, 2011 with the Ashford, Brooklyn, Pomfret, Putnam, Thompson, and Woodstock Probate Districts to create the Northeast Probate District, which currently serves the municipalities of Ashford, Brooklyn, Eastford, Pomfret, Putnam, Thompson, and Woodstock.
The Eastford Probate District also served the town of Chaplin from 1996-2011.
Town of Eastford probate district chronology:
Series 1, 1849-1880:
Series 2, 1881-1915:
Incorporated 1845. Parent town: Weston.
The Easton Probate District was constituted July 22, 1875 from the Weston Probate District, and merged on March 5, 1878 with the Bridgeport Probate District to become part of the Bridgeport District. The Trumbull Probate District was constituted January 7, 1959 and serves the municipalities of Easton, Monroe, and Trumbull.
Town of Easton probate chronology:
Incorporated 1786. Parent town: East Windsor.
The Ellington Probate District was constituted May 31, 1826 from the East Windsor and Stafford Probate Districts. The Ellington Probate District serves the municipalities of Ellington and Vernon. At one time it served the town of Somers, May 1826 - June 2, 1834. Though the district is named for Ellington, the court sits in Rockville, a section of the town of Vernon.
Town of Ellington probate chronology:
Series 1, 1826-1880:
Series 2, 1881-1915:
Established as part of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, 1683. Annexed to Connecticut 1749.
The Enfield Probate District was constituted May 26, 1831 from the East Windsor Probate District. The Enfield Probate District merged with the Stafford Probate District on January 5, 2011 to create the North Central Connecticut Probate District, which currently serves the municipalities of Enfield, Somers, Stafford, and Union.
Town of Enfield probate chronology:
Series 1, 1831-1880:
Series 2, 1881-1915:
Incorporated September 13, 1852 as "Old Saybrook." Name changed to "Essex" on July 8, 1854, when the southern portion of town incorporated as "Old Saybrook." Parent town: Saybrook.
The Essex Probate District was constituted July 4, 1853 as the Old Saybrook Probate District, changing its name to the Essex Probate District in July 1859 when a new Old Saybrook Probate District was created. The Essex Probate District merged with the Clinton, Deep River, Haddam, Killingworth, Lyme, Old Saybrook, Saybrook, and Westbrook Probate Districts on January 5, 2011 to create the Saybrook Probate District.
Town of Essex probate chronology:
Established 1639.
The Fairfield Probate District was constituted May 1666 session, as a County Court. The Fairfield Probate District currently serves the municipality of Fairfield.
This district also served the following municipalities at various times:
Town of Fairfield probate chronology:
Established 1645.
The Farmington Probate District was constituted January 1769 from the Hartford Probate District. The Farmington Probate District merged with the Burlington Probate District on January 5, 2011 to create the Farmington and Burlington Probate District which served the municipalities of Burlington and Farmington. On January 9, 2019, Plainville joined this district, which was renamed the Farmington Regional Probate District.
The Farmington Probate District also covered the following municipalities at various times:
Town of Farmington probate chronology:
Series 1, 1769-1880:
Series 2, 1881-1915:
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