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Voting Rights Act of 1965

P.L. 89–110; 79 Stat. 437

  • Suspended the use of literacy tests and voter disqualification devices for five years. Authorized the use of federal examiners to supervise voter registration in states that used tests or in which less than half the voting-eligible residents registered or voted. Directed the U.S. Attorney General to institute proceedings against use of poll taxes. Provided criminal penalties for individuals who violated the act.
  • Passed by the 89th Congress (1965–1967) as S. 1564.

See also subsequent amendments to the act.

Other Institutions

Voting Rights Act of 2006

P.L. 109–246; 120 Stat. 577

  • Extended the provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 for 25 years. Extended the bilingual election requirements through August 5, 2032. Directed the U.S. Comptroller General to study and report to Congress on the implementation, effectiveness, and efficiency of bilingual voting materials requirements.
  • Passed by the 109th Congress (2005–2007) as H.R. 9.

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