Coltsville Timeline

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Blue Onion Dome

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About the Coltsville Timeline

This guide is a timeline for the process of Coltsville petitioning to become part of the National Park Service. The major focus is on the federal legislation driving this process and the general history related to what is now called Coltsville. It is updated periodically. For histories of the Colt firearms: search our catalog; explore archives finding aids; look at the Colt Industries web site; go to the National Park site; and look at the "Further Research and Reading" and "Additional Resources" pages on this guide (updated periodically).

Public Law 113-291 includes a series of "Conditions for Establishment" that must be met before the park may be formally established. The National Park Service (NPS) is in the process of meeting the criteria.

Previously this research guide linked to most steps in the legislative process. As of April 2022, this guide will be streamlined by linking to the federal bill histories for the legislative process. Bill histories in include links to the relevant documents for a federal legislative history. Consult our research guide on federal legislative histories or  contact our reference librarians for additional information on the process. For detailed information about Coltsville becoming part of the National Park Service, please see our older archived guide:

Quick Jump to Years 2010-2014


December 19, 2014

December 2, 2014

April 1, 2014

H.R. 1259 Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Natural Resources. H. Rept. 113-391. Print Y 1.1/8:113-391 or Serial Set once volume is received. 


March 19, 2013




New developer (source 24)

July 12, 2011

S.1347 Coltsville National Historical Park Act introduced.  

H.R.2504  Coltsville National Historical Park Act introduced.  



Developer - Lance Robbins. (Source 25)

September 29, 2010

Parks and Public Lands Bills: Senate Hearing. Bill numbers include S.3291. StLib Federal Documents Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.111-721 

May 26, 2010

Notice of Termination of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Coltsville Special Resource Study in Hartford, Connecticut. 75 FR 29583  Federal Register Volume 75, Issue 101 (May 26, 2010)

April 30, 2010

April 29, 2010

S.3291 Coltsville National Historical Park Act Introduced in Senate 

April 22, 2010

H.R.5131 Coltsville National Historical Park Act introduced in US House.