Coltsville Timeline

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About the Coltsville Timeline

This guide is a timeline for the process of Coltsville petitioning to become part of the National Park Service. The major focus is on the federal legislation driving this process and the general history related to what is now called Coltsville. It is updated periodically. For histories of the Colt firearms: search our catalog; explore archives finding aids; look at the Colt Industries web site; go to the National Park site; and look at the "Further Research and Reading" and "Additional Resources" pages on this guide (updated periodically).

Public Law 113-291 includes a series of "Conditions for Establishment" that must be met before the park may be formally established. The National Park Service (NPS) is in the process of meeting the criteria.

Previously this research guide linked to most steps in the legislative process. As of April 2022, this guide will be streamlined by linking to the federal bill histories for the legislative process. Bill histories in include links to the relevant documents for a federal legislative history. Consult our research guide on federal legislative histories or  contact our reference librarians for additional information on the process. For detailed information about Coltsville becoming part of the National Park Service, please see our older archived guide:

Quick Jump to Years 2000-2009

Blue Onion Dome

Blue Onion Dome


November 9, 2009 through December 14, 2009

Coltsville : Special Resource Study (multi-part) released by Northeast Regional Office of the National Parks Service (NPS).  Two National Park Service requirements are met: (1) national significance and (2) suitability. Two National Park Service requirements are NOT met: (3) feasibility and (4) management options. print version: StLib Stacks F104.H36 C65 2009


December 10, 2008
November 2008

Coltsville Visitor Experience Study -- funded in part by Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation. (source 27)

October 6, 2008

Coltsville Historic District (Formerly Known As Samuel Colt Home [Armsmear]), Name Change, Boundary Change and Additional Documentation Approved (NPS). (link for document no longer works as of 9/02/2020)

July 22, 2008

 Coltsville Historic District designated an NHL by the Secretary of the Interior. (source Coltsville Speical Resource Study)


August 31, 2007

National Historic Landmark Nomination NPS Form 10-900 USDI/NPS NRHP Registration Form (Rev. 8-86) OMB No. 1024-0018 Coltsville Historic District. Listed on Landmarks Committee Meeting Agenda (link for agenda no longer works as of 9/02/2020).


Coalition to Strengthen the Sheldon/Charter Oak Neighborhood 2007 Strategic Plan (source 26) - Document: "This 2007 Strategic Plan has two important goals: to update the year 2000 strategic plan, and to link the CSS/CON plan with the City of Hartford’s Plan of Conservation and Development.  Work on this document began in the fall of 2006.  Following public input and adoption by CSS/CON, this plan will serve as the blueprint for improvements in the Sheldon/Charter Oak NRZ over the next 5—10 years." (source 26, page 4)



Colt was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Source 32

October 20, 2006

Rejection of National Landmark status for Coltsville Historic District.

September 2006

"Samuel Colt: Arms, Art and Invention" opened at Wadsworth Atheneum.


January 2, 2005

Congressional Reports. Committee on Resources. Monday, January 3, 2005


October 20, 2004

September 2, 2004

August 26, 2004

Notice of Study to Determine Potential for Designation as a National Historic Landmark


October 3, 2003

January 29, 2003

January 23, 2003


May 15, 2002

  • Name Change, Boundary Change, And Updated Documentation
  • H.R.4736 Coltsville Study Act and S.2519 Coltsville Study Act of 2002 introduced. 

March 6, 2002

Federal Budget hinders progress on National Park. Hartford Courant reports that policy changes at NPS and a Bush administrative directive hinder progress on Coltsville. The Bush Administrative Directive postpones new projects until a $5 billion maintenance backlog is addressed. A park service policy now requires local regions to be full partners in financing new parks or museums. source 18



"A boundary increase to the district occurred in 2001 and included seven buildings and one structure situated on the north side of Sequassen Street between Van Dyke Avenue and Huyshope Avenue."

June 2001

January Session, 2001


March 30, 2000

Public Hearing. Appropriations and Finance Committee. Connecticut General Assembly. Adriaen's Landing development plan.

January, 2000

First Sheldon/Charter Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) Strategic Plan was prepared in January of 2000. (source 26)