Government Information
Reference Services
Primo catalog subcollections will be added to topic pages in this guide.
This guide is meant for Connecticut State Library staff. PLEASE ADD CONTENT you find helpful. It is not complete and is not meant to replace RefWiki (which is detailed information only for staff). We do not need to duplicate content, but merely gather links together.
It serves as a "Ready Reference Shelf" - listing links to current sources of our old print Ready Reference. The earlier editions in print are often still on the shelves (at least on the balcony) and like the print editions, this guide serves as a way to remember good sources we might not use on a regular basis. Unlike the RefWiki, this will be available on mobile devices when you are in the stacks. It can help new, itinerant* or intermittent** reference staff. There are a few pages for CSL staff only and require signing into your LibGuides account in order to view.
Government agencies often reorganize when there is a new administration on federal or state level. This is a central location to help your colleagues keep track of resources. I plan to note when a resource has a significant change and/or ceases.
Links that would be used at all desks and for majority of questions.
Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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