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deliverIT CT (formerly Connecticar)

Statewide Library Delivery Service

Sorting Guidelines: July 1, 2016

General Sorting:

If fewer than 25 items are going to a single "destination library" or to a single "route" they are to be placed in a bin, box, or bag marked "various routes."

Sorting By Library:

If 25 or more items are going to a single "destination library" they are to be placed in their own bin, box, or bag addressed to that destination library.

Sorting By Route:

If 25 or more items are going to a single "route" they are to be sorted into their own bin, box, or bag and addressed as to what route they are going to.

Questions? Contact: Dawn La Valle, Director, Division of Library Development or Office: (860) 757-6665

Sorting - Best Practices

Here are some pictures of sorting in libraries that helps streamline delivery:

Sorting - pictures of bins















Bins sorted and on a table








Bins sorted and on book trucks

Bins sorted on shelves









deliverIT CT is funded by the State of Connecticut and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Connecticut State Library.

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