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researchIT CT - Information

Training resources and recordings of webinars about researchIT CT database resources.

General Help Tips

To access all researchIT CT resources from outside the library or from off-campus

Access to researchIT CT is restricted to Connecticut residents, and students and teachers in Connecticut schools and colleges.

To access the restricted public library and school library resources from outside of the library:

  • You must have a Connecticut public library card and be a Connecticut resident or a student or teacher in a Connecticut school.
  • If you do not have a library card, or your library card number does not work, contact your local Connecticut library.

To access the restricted college library resources:

  • You must be a Connecticut college student or faculty member.
  • From off-campus, use your college library proxy server or enter your college library card number.  To determine which method applies, check your college listing in Access From Off-Campus.  For additional assistance, contact your college library.
For information about how researchIT CT uses your IP address and library card number, please see the Privacy Policy.

Browser Checklist for researchIT CT

For help with browser configuration, see Browser Support & Configuration.

Search Assistance

Help buttons are available from search pages. These provide useful search tips and ways to refine your search techniques. There are usually support links from search pages too.

If you need additional help, contact your librarian or school media specialist. Provide as much detail as possible about your question or problem, including:

  • Your name, email address and/or phone number
  • The name of your library
  • Where you were when the problem occurred (home, school library, etc.)
  • Your question or problem
  • The name of the resource you were searching
  • The complete error message, if any, that you received (copy and paste if possible)
  • The date and time of the problem
  • The browser version you are using (Internet Explorer 11.0, FireFox 54.0.1, etc.)

Off Campus Access


Off campus access for college and university students and faculty:

College or University Off-Campus Access Proxy Information
Albertus Magnus College Proxy


Asnuntuck Community College Proxy

Briarwood College (See college librarian)


Capital Community College Proxy 

Central Connecticut State University University proxy
Charter Oak State College Proxy
Clemens College (See college librarian)


Connecticut College College proxy 

Eastern Connecticut State University University proxy
Fairfield University University proxy


Gateway Community College Proxy 

Gibbs College (See college librarian)


Goodwin College (See college librarian)


Hartford Seminary College proxy


Holy Apostles College & Seminary (See college librarian)


Housatonic Community College Proxy 

Lyme Academy of Fine Arts (See college librarian)


Manchester Community College Proxy 

Middlesex Community College Proxy 

Mitchell College Proxy


Naugatuck Valley Community College Proxy 

Northwestern Connecticut College Proxy 

Norwalk Community College Proxy 

Paier College of Art (See college librarian)


Quinebaug Valley Community College Proxy 

Quinnipiac University (See college librarian)


Rensselaer at Hartford Proxy


Sacred Heart University (See college librarian)


St. Basil College (See college librarian)


St. Joseph College Proxy

St. Thomas Seminary (See college librarian)


St. Vincent's College (See college librarian)


Southern Connecticut State University University proxy
Teikyo Post University College library card number


Three Rivers Community College Proxy 

Trinity College (see college librarian)


Tunxis Community College Proxy 

U.S. Coast Guard Academy (See college librarian)


University of Bridgeport University proxy
University of Connecticut & Branches University proxy
University of Hartford University proxy
University of New Haven (See college librarian)


Wesleyan University University proxy

Western Connecticut State University University proxy
Yale University University proxy

Browser Support & Configuration

Browser Advice for researchIT CT

researchIT CT operates on the WordPress platform.  For advice about browsers and WordPress, see:

Firewall and Server Configuration

Firewalls and proxy servers need to be configured with the correct IP addresses or equivalent domain names. For detailed information, go to: Firewall and Server Configuration

Browser requirements for individual databases:




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