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Statewide Interlibrary Loan

ILL Forms

For this summer, I suggest that we use a "brief ILL form." In the CT ILL Loan Policy (in the box directly above), the  "Pre-populated E-mail" column has a list of cells for "E-mail form." When you click an "E-mail form" cell in the policy, it should (theoretically) open an e-mail message and pre-populate the message with:

  • the “To” field pre-populated with the e-mail address,
  • the subject field pre-populated with “ILL Request -”
  • the body of the message pre-populated with these fields: Title:, Author:, Format:, Shelf Loc / Call #:, Other Info, and Ship to (incl. Ccar #).

This feature unfortunately will not work with all e-mail programs. It seems to work with most desktop versions of Outlook, but I’m not sure about other e-mail programs.

If the "E-mail Form" links in the CT ILL Loan Policy don't work, you can try the methods below.

Brief ILL Forms: Text File

You can create a text file and put it on your desktop. When you need it, you can open an e-mail and copy/paste the text from the file into the body of your e-mail message. Tip: when you create the file, add your library's "Ship to" information right into the text file so you don't have to re-type it each time you use it.

You can create a "Returnables" text file with these fields in the file:

Shelf Location / Call Number:
Other Info (ISBN, OCLC number, if known, etc.): 
Ship to (incl. Ccar #):

You can create a "Returnables" text file with these fields in the file:

Author of article:
Title of article:
Serial/Journal title:
Other info (OCLC number, if known, etc.):
Ship to (incl. Fax):

Brief ILL Forms: Your E-mail Signature

You could copy and paste the fields immediately above (in the 'Text File' section) and make them your e-mail signature. When you open an e-mail message, you can then insert your signature which would be the brief ILL form. This works best if your e-mail system supports multiple signatures. Tip: when you create the signature, add your library's "Ship to" information right into the form so you don't have to re-type it each time you use it.

Brief ILL Forms: E-mail Template

The 2 links below should pre-populate the "Subject" and body of an e-mail message (does not work with all e-mail programs):

Brief ILL Forms: FAX Template

The links below are Word templates for ILL FAX requests.If you need to FAX a request to another library you can use your current ILL fax form or you can use the template below. I suggest you download the template, input your library's information, including the Ship to and Ccar route, onto the FAX template and then save the document to your computer. 

The full ALA ILL forms are in the box "Other ILL Forms" at the bottom of this page.

ILL - Items from the Service Centers

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