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Connecticut Statutes & Acts

Basic information about the structure of statutes and acts in Connecticut

Legislation Effective Dates

According to the General Statutes of Connecticut § 2-32, all public acts become effective October 1st of the year of passage unless a different date is specified within the act. Each section of the act may specify its own effective date as necessary. Other common dates include January 1st, July 1st, or the section may simply become effective immediately upon passage. By default, special acts become effective from the date of their approval unless another date is specified within the act.


Court Cases

The courts have construed "effective upon passage" to mean the date of completion of the last action necessary to fulfill the requirements set forth in Article IV, Sec. 15 of the Constitution of the State of Connecticut and to give a bill the force and effect of law. In Connecticut, this last action is the Governor's signature.


  • Old Saybrook v. Public Utilities Commission, 100 Conn. 322 at 325
  • Di Nicola v. Di Nicola, 132 Conn. 185
  • Spector Motor Service v. Walsh, 135 Conn. 37


Vetoed Acts

When an act is vetoed by the Governor and the veto is subsequently overridden, the act becomes effective on the date the veto is overridden by the second house, according to Article IV, Sec. 15 of the Constitution of the State of Connecticut.


History of Effective Dates for Connecticut Acts

Public Acts Effective Date Authority
1943 to date

October 1

1943, Public Act 63

July 1

1889, Chapter 29

1909 only

October 1

1909, Chapter 238

1903 only

August 1

1903, Chapter 198

1899 only

August 1

1899, Chapter 228

1897 only

July 15

1897, Chapter 257

June 1

1883, Chapter 60

May 1

1881, Chapter 155

Four weeks from end of session

1875, page 81

Twenty days from end of session

1870, Chapter 105

July 4

1850, Chapter 48

Special Acts Effective Date Authority
1859 to date From passage 1859, Chapter 2, Section 5

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