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Resources on Connecticut weather

Weather and Climate in Connecticut

Historical weather and climate information for Connecticut is available from a wide range of sources

See pages for Connecticut Disasters for information on historic floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, earthquakes.

Other NCDC publications available at the State Library include Climatological Data Publication ; Hourly Precipitation Data Publication/Database and some titles are available for free at the NCDC web site.

The library also houses historical issues of Local Climatological Data for Hartford (Bradley Airport), Bridgeport, and New Haven as well as other cities throughout the United States, in paper and/or microform formats. In addition to Local Climatological Data, other historical resources available include Climatological Data. New England ; Forecasts ... for Hartford and Vicinity ; Hourly Precipitation Data. New England ; New England Weather Service Bulletin ; and U.S. Monthly Weather Review.

National Climatic Data Center

Other Institutions


Tides & Currents


