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History and Genealogy Reference Unit
Using Archives and Secured Collections
- You may enter the Archives Reading Area (ARA) after materials arrive.
- An adult must accompany anyone under 18. School groups must make prior arrangements for ARA access. Each adult may escort up to three students.
- The ARA is limited to a maximum of 5 persons at one time.
- Take only pencils and loose notepaper into the ARA. Exceptions may be approved if you need certain equipment for your research (e.g. camera, computer, or tape recorder) or reference materials (e.g. topographic maps) in order to interpret data from a record. Scanners and portable photocopiers are not permitted. Lockers are available; keys are at the information desk. The State Library is not responsible for personal items.
- Show the ARA attendant your pass and a photo ID, and sign in.
- Use one item at a time.
- Initial each request slip as you receive the item.
- Return finished material to the attendant and initial the request slip indicating its return.
- Handle all collections with care.
- Material must stay on the table.
- Examine one folder at a time.
- Close the box lid when examining a folder or object.
- Do not pass material to researchers using other items.
- Do not rearrange or repair items. If an item appears out of order or in need of repair, inform the attendant.
- Wear gloves when handling photographs.
- Use cushions, props, and weight bags to protect items.
- Removing library materials from the premises or defacing them is a felony under Connecticut General Statutes, Sections 53a-119(12) and 53a-119a.
- Ask the attendant about photocopy procedures. A camera stand is also available for any passholder's use. The State Library reserves the right to deny copying due to condition.
- Items may be held over for three working days.
- Allow the attendant to inspect your notes when you leave the ARA. Sign out after being cleared.
Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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