Government Information
Reference Services
Below are links to freely available copies of the Register & Manual through the CT State Library Digital Collections, and through resources outside of the CT State Library (HathiTrust, Internet Archive, etc.). Please take note of our link disclaimer for any links outside of the CT State Library website. Please ask a librarian for assistance if the year you need is not listed as additional years may be added to these resources in the future.
Please ask a librarian for assistance if you are unable to access the online copy.
In order to highlight items held in CT State Library (CSL) Digital Collections, an icon for each collection is included. Which collection holds a specific year should not impact your access to that edition. These icons are here to help CSL staff manage the collections. Items held in more than one digital collection are only listed once here - to reduce your scrolling.
Connecticut Digital Archive (CTDA)
Internet Archive - ONLY CT State Library's collections