Connecticut State Register & Manual

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What is the Register & Manual?

Today, the Connecticut State Register & Manual, also known as the "blue book," is an annual publication of the Office of the Secretary of the State. It is published pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 3-90. The volumes are shelved with Connecticut Documents on the fifth floor of the library stacks. Early years are in the State Archives. Selected years are available electronically through the available online tab or the online by year tab.

A "Connecticut Register" has existed since 1785. From 1785 through 1887, the title and publisher changed many times. The 1932 Register and Manual includes a bibliography of these changes, which is also outlined on the bibliography tab. The essay below also discusses the changes from 1785 through 1887. In 1887, publication of this resource was assigned to the Secretary of the State by "An Act concerning the Publication of Official and other Statistics of the State" (House Bill 338, approved April 14, 1886).

What information is in the Register & Manual?

In addition to historic information and U.S. Government information, the Register & Manual provides an annual snapshot of Connecticut state and local government. Some of the information included in the Register & Manual is listed below. For a complete list of contents, please see the index or table of contents for a specific year of the Register

  • U.S. and Connecticut Constitutions
  • Historical rosters of U.S. Presidents, Vice Presidents, U.S. Senators & Representatives from Connecticut, Connecticut elected State Officers, and Connecticut Chief Justices
  • Biographies and photographs of U.S. and Connecticut leaders of government
  • Information related to the Connecticut Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches 
  • List of State Marshals
  • Local Government information, including the dates of incorporation of all cities and boroughs in Connecticut
  • State election statistics 
  • Lists of state historical societies, museums, and public libraries
  • Legal holidays in Connecticut
  • Descriptions of the state seal, state flag, and other emblems 

Where can I find the Register & Manual?

Selected years are available online. Print copies of the Register & Manual are held in the following areas of the CT State Library.

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