State Aid Payments and other documents
No payments made in FY2017 - FY2023
Dawn La Valle
Middletown Library Service Center
786 South Main Street
Middletown, CT 06457
Each of the 164 principal public libraries in the state that meets the eligibility requirements may apply for and receive an annual state aid grant. A principal public library is one which has been so designated by the local municipal governing board. A municipality may have more than one public library but may designate only one library as its principal public library.
State aid funds must be used for general library purposes, which is defined in the state statutes as all functions of a public library, including the purchase of land or the construction, alteration or remodeling of buildings. In addition, state aid funds must be expended within two years of receipt, unless a library has received authority to carry over funds beyond the two year limit. For municipal libraries that need to make this known to their town or city may use the Memo to Municipal Fiscal Officers (PDF available below).
Conn. General Statutes (CGS) 11-24a.
Annual Support for a Lifetime of Learning: State Grants to Public Libraries Triennial Report (PDF available in State Aid Documents)
AENGLC is defined as a combination of property tax base per person and income per person. Property tax base is used because it is the form of wealth taxed by Connecticut's towns. Per Capita Income (PCI) is used because the income from which taxes are paid has an important effect on town taxing capacity. ENGL is the Equalized Net Grand List which represents the value of taxable real and personal property (net grand list) at 100 percent fair market value.
Refer to Related Resources for various data elements used in the AENGLC calculation and calculation formula.
The latest state reimbursement percentages are available at
Amount of Funds Available:
FY2025 State Budget allocated $225,000
FY2024 State Budget allocated $225,000
FY2023 No funding.
FY2022 No funding.
FY2021 No funding.
FY2020 No funding.
FY2019 No funding.
FY2018 No funding.
FY2017 State Budget allocated $193,391 (rescinded to $0 in May 2016).
FY2016 State Budget allocated $190,846 (rescinded to $179,396).
FY2015 State Budget allocated $203,569 (rescinded to $193,391).
FY2014 State Budget allocated $203,569.
FY2013 State Budget allocated $203,569.
FY2012 State Budget allocated $207,692.
FY2011 State Budget allocated $347,109.
In order to be eligible, all public libraries in the state of Connecticut which:
Submit a copy of their Collection Development Policy along with a copy of the board minutes adopting this policy
Complete and submit each year the Annual Report of Connecticut Public Libraries
Principal public library collection development/management policies will be evaluated for compliance by the following rubric:
Does the library have a Collection Development or Collection Management Policy?
Was the policy approved by the Library Board?
What was the date the policy or latest revision was approved? Policies older than 2018 will not be accepted.
Were the minutes to the meeting when the policy was approved by the Library Board provided?
Does the library have the policy posted on their website?
Does the library have a challenge process in place?
Does the library have a challenge form posted on their website?
Did the library complete the State Library Annual Report as required?
The formula for determining grant amounts is included in the state statutes. It provides for a base grant of $1,200 to each library, plus additional amounts for equalization based on town AENGLC (Adjusted Equalized Net Grand List Per Capita) rankings and for incentive based on each town's per capita library expenditures. If the funding available is less than $1,200 per library, the funds will be divided evenly between all eligible libraries. Libraries officially serving more than one municipality will receive payment for each municipality served.
Key Dates
By August 1 - The State Library provides each public library with an Annual Statistical Report and Application for Payment of a State Grant form.
By October 1 - Reports must be completed by libraries.
By December 15 - Requests for ineligibility waiver are due.
By April 30 - Libraries should receive state aid payments.
By October 31st of following year, libraries will be required to report how they spent the funds
Sec. 2. Section 11-24b of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2023):
(a) [Each] Except as otherwise provided in subsection (i) of this section, each principal public library, as defined in section 11-24a, shall be eligible to receive a state grant in accordance with the provisions of subsections (b), (c) and (d) of this section provided the following requirements are met:
Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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