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Connecticut Public Libraries Statistics

Information on CT Public Library Statistics including the annual report.

Reporting Period Information

The Fiscal Year 2025 reporting period will begin in July 2025. If you are a new director and would like more information on the process, you can make an online virtual appointment with me at your convenience.

Make an appointment with me

Annual Report FY2024 Information


All Connecticut public libraries, including non-principal public libraries, are expected to complete the Annual Report form before the deadline of 4:00 pm, Tuesday, October 1, 2024.  The report is the source for all information provided to the federal government (IMLS) regarding public libraries in Connecticut. The report is also the source of information for Connecticut's Public Libraries: A Statistical Profile and other resources available on this guide.

New Format for FY2024

All libraries will fill out their annual report on a new platform. To access the annual report, you will need to register and create an account at this link. For instructions on creating an account and a basic overview of the report platform, see the video below. 



Two webinars took place on 8/1/24 and 9/4/24. Both recordings are posted to the Data playlist on DLD's YouTube channel and the 9/4 webinar is posted on the relevant workshops and webinars page

Set up an appointment with me:

If you have a number of questions regarding the report and want to talk it through, you can make an online virtual appointment with me at your convenience.

Make an appointment with me


Program Definitions:

From the IMLS Public Libraries Survey:

A synchronous (live) program session (called a program in Connecticut, including in-person onsite, in-person offsite, and live virtual programs) is any planned event which introduces the group attending to library services or which provides information to participants.

  • Program sessions may cover use of the library, library services, or library tours.
  • Program sessions may also provide cultural, recreational, or educational information. Examples of these types of program sessions include, but are not limited to, film showings, lectures, story hours, literacy programs, citizenship classes, and book discussions.

Count all programs that are sponsored or co-sponsored by the library. Exclude programs sponsored by other groups that use library facilities. If programs are offered as a series, count each program in the series.

Note: Exclude library activities delivered on a one-to-one basis, rather than to a group, such as one-to-one literacy tutoring, services to homebound, resume writing assistance, homework assistance, and mentoring activities.

An asynchronous program presentation (called a prerecorded (on-demand) program in Connecticut) is any recording of program content that cannot be viewed live as it unfolds (i.e., on-demand streaming). Include only the program presentations that were posted during this reporting period.

From the CT State Library: A self-directed activity is provided by library staff for patrons, typically on an occasional basis, without the expectation of staff interaction while the activity is being completed. These activities can be done by the participant onsite in the library or offsite, such as at home. Examples include: Take and Make/Grab and Go kits and crafts, or other grab-and-go activities, Self-guided Story Walk, Contests and scavenger hunts, Social media challenges, Virtual escape rooms, 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, and Bingo Boards. The activity should require a moderate amount of staff work, beyond photocopied coloring pages or leaving out board games.

State Aid for FY2025

  • FY2025 State Budget allocated $225,000 in State Aid Grants for Public Libraries.
  • Eligible libraries are those that submit a copy of their Collection Development Policy along with a copy of the board minutes adopting this policy, and complete and submit each year the Annual Report of Connecticut Public Libraries.
  • For more information, please visit our State Aid LibGuide.

Interlibrary Loan Statistics

Public Libraries use the Annual Report to submit their total ILL stats (both borrows and loans) for the year. An ILL Monthly Worksheet is provided below to help libraries track ILL stats throughout the year.

Statistics Documents

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