PLEASE NOTE: This is an index of a historical collection that contains words and phrases that may be offensive or harmful to individuals investigating these records. In order to preserve the objectivity and historical accuracy of the index, State Archives staff took what would today be considered archaic and offensive descriptions for ancestral, racial, gender, and ethnic identity directly from the original documents. For more information on appropriate description, please consult the Diversity Style Guide and Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia: Anti-Racist Description Resources.
We recognize that language is constantly evolving, and will continue to evolve. We will endeavor to always use terminology that is as inclusive as possible.
The Connecticut Courant Index, 1764-1799 contains thousands of entries searchable by Name, Town, or Subject taken from a slip index found in the History & Genealogy Reading Room of the Connecticut State Library. It includes advertisements by name of merchant or tradesmen, though not by individual items for sale. Names of specific articles offered for sale may be found under Merchants in (name of town). Druggists in (name of town), etc.
This index omits vital statistics, [except deaths of Connecticut people in other places], probate notices, tax sale lists, notices of cattle and horses lost and found, post office lists of letters (except by name of town, post office, letters held), and notices of farms, houses and land for sale.
In the spring of 2001, Kathryn Black, a volunteer from the Connecticut Professional Genealogists Council, Inc., along with State Library staff, began entering the information on the slips to The Connecticut Courant Index, 1764 -1799 into a database in order to provide researchers remote access to this wonderful resource. After 45,857 entries, volunteers and staff completed the database in December of 2007. This database is of great significance as it will likely display entries for articles not found in the scanned and indexed Historical Hartford Courant as the machine readable software used may not have correctly read the printed word as found on the original newspaper correctly.
Database Fields
Below, researchers will find a list and explanation (when necessary) of the fields used in the database.
Last Name In addition to surnames, this field contains single names, pseudonyms, and the names of businesses and organizations.
First Name
Middle Name
Title This field includes: Forms of address; Religious, Military, and Honorary titles; Pseudonyms; and designation of participation, usually within a group.
Town The first town that appears in the entry is listed, unless it is not a Connecticut town and a Connecticut town appears later in the entry.
State The state is listed only when it is not Connecticut.
Subject Headings in this comprehensive index range from “Accidents,” to mention of the Ship “Zephyr,” with many entries in between.
County This field is only listed when it appeared on the slip.
Issue Date The dates are listed in day, month, year format, e.g. 01 Jan 1765.
Page The page number where the entry was found.
Column The column number where the entry was found.
Cross Reference “See” and “See also” references are listed here. For example, those searching for the term “Loyalists” are directed to “See” or search under “Tories.” Similarly, those searching for “Shoemakers” are advised to “See also” or also search under the term “Bootmakers.”
Important Guidelines on Searching
When searching for a first name of an individual, be sure to also check the Last Name Field, as single names and pseudonyms are listed here.
When searching for a first or last name, also check the Subject Field, as the names of businesses and organizations are entered here. Also, keep in mind that a person can be the Subject of an entry.
Check for the names of towns, states, and counties in the Subject Field as well as the individual fields.
When searching the database under the Title Fields researchers need to search using the abbreviated title. A list of titles used in the database is as follows:
2nd |
Corp. (Corporal) |
J. P. (Justice of the Peace) |
Pres. (President) |
3rd |
Count |
Lady |
pseud. (Pseudonym) |
4th |
Deacon |
Lieut. (Lieutenant) |
Rep. (Representative) |
Adj. (Adjutant) |
Delegate |
Lieut.-Col. (Lieutenant-Colonel) |
Rev. (Reverend) |
Adj. -Gen. (Adjutant -General) |
Dep. Gov. (Deputy Governor) |
Lord |
Sec. (Secretary) |
Brig. -Gen. (Brigadier-General) |
Dep. Sheriff |
M. (Monsieur) |
Selectman |
Brig. -Maj. (Brigadier-Major) |
Dr. (Doctor) |
Maj. (Major) |
Sr. (Senior) |
Capt. (Captain) |
Ens. (Ensign) |
Maj.-Gen. (Major-General) |
Sgt. (Sergeant) |
Chevalier |
Gen. (General) |
Marquis |
Sheriff |
Chief Judge |
Gov. (Governor) |
Member |
Signior |
Clerk |
Hon. (Honorable) |
Miss. |
Sir |
Col. (Colonel) |
Judge |
Mr. |
V. P. (Vice- President) |
Commander |
Jr. (Junior) |
Mrs. |
Widow |
The Next Step
Once you have located an entry of interest in The Connecticut Courant Index 1764 -1799, you have several options should you wish to examine the newspaper. The Historical Hartford Courant (1764-1922), is available to visitors here at the State Library. If you are a Connecticut resident, you have access to the Historical Hartford Courant (1764-1922), at home through the ResearchIT, Historical Hartford Courant website link.
Early American Newspapers, a subscription database to which the State Library, and many public and research libraries around the country subscribe, contains many issues of the Connecticut Courant as well. This database can be accessed in person at the State Library.
The Connecticut Courant is also available on microfilm. Individuals may borrow microfilm copies of newspapers through the inter-library loan system. Check with your local library for more information.
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