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WPA Art Inventory Project

Yurchenco, Basil (?)

Basil Yurchenco was an Argentine painter who was at Yale when he met Henrietta Weiss of New Haven. They married in 1936. Yurchenco worked for the Public Works of Art Project and then completed one mural with Michele Russo for the WPA Federal Arts Project. In 1941 he took his wife to Mexico, and in 1955 the two were divorced. The dates of Yurchenco’s birth and death are unknown.

Sources: Jerry Tallmer, “In Politics or Pursuit of Music, This Dame is Fearless,” The Villager, Vol. 73, No. 6 (June 11-17, 20003); Review of Henrietta Yurchenco, Around the World in 80 Years. A Memoir-A Musical Odyssey at ; Douglas Martin, “Henrietta Yurchenco, Pioneer Folklorist, Dies at 91,” New York Times, December 14, 2007.

Works of Art Listed in CT Archives’ database from Basil Yurchenco:


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