Description and Drawings of Patents Available at the Library or online |
Patent Date | Title | Location |
1790-Present | U.S. Patent Office | |
1790-Present | ||
1790-1860 | United States Patents | SL Fed Doc C 21.23:Microfilm-vault |
1845-1871Not complete, earlier years text only. | Annual Report to Congress by the Commission of Patents | SL Fed Doc C 21.1/1:Also in Serial Set |
1872-2002 | Official Gazette | SL Fed Doc C 21.5: |
1872-1898,1949-1963 | Official Gazette | SL Fed Doc C 21.5:Microfilm-vault |
1994-Present | USAPat: Facsimilie images of U.S. Patents on CD-ROM(used with Patents BIB index) | SL Fed Doc C 21.31: |
Indexes for Patents Available at or through the State Library |
Patent Date | Title | Location |
1790-1836 | Early Unnumbered U.S. Patents, 1790-1836 | SL GIS Ref T 223.D7 R47 |
1790-1836 | List of Patents Granted by the U.S., 1790-1836 (1872) | SL Fed Doc Ref I 23.7: |
1790-1873 | Subject Matter Index of Patents of Inventions 1790-1873, 3 vols. | SL Fed Doc Ref I 23.7: |
1790-1839 | Digest of Patents Issued by the U.S. from 1790-Jan. 1, 1839 (P. Force 1840) | SpecColl T 223.V4 A2 1840 |
1789-1899 | Digest of U.S. Automobile Patents, from 1789-July 1, 1899...1900 | SL Stacks TL 820.A4 1900 |
1800-1890 | Connecticut Patents Project | SL Conn Doc St292mus cpp |
1839-1841 | Digest of Patents issued by the U.S. from 1839-1841 (W. Greer 1842) | SpecColl T 223.V4 A2 1840 |
1872-Present | Index of Patents | SL Fed Doc C 21.5/2: |
1971-Present | U.S. Patent Office | |
1790-Present |
Patent Depository Libraries |
Location | Telephone Number |
Providence Public Library | (401) 455 - 8027 |
Boston Public Library | (617) 536 - 5400 ext. 2226 |
W.E.B. Dubois Library, UMASS | 413-545-2765 |
New York Public Library(Science, Industry and Business Library) | (212) 592 - 7000 |
Ryan-Matura Library at Sacred Heart University - CLOSED | 203-365-4842 |