Welcome is an email discussion group for Connecticut library staff serving multilingual communities. The email list is administered by Ashley Sklar (ashley.sklar@ct.gov) from the Division of Library Development at the Connecticut State Library.
Quick fact: 22.1% of the people in Connecticut speak a language other than English at home.*
*Source: 2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
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The following table is from the 2020 American Community Survey - 5 year estimates. It contains the number of Connecticut residents and their "language spoken at home by ability to speak English for the population 5 years and over."
Label | Estimate | Margin of Error |
Total: | 3,387,841 | ±231 |
Speak only English | 2,639,245 | ±7,502 |
Spanish: | 403,019 | ±4,160 |
Speak English "very well" | 242,653 | ±3,522 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 160,366 | ±3,257 |
French (incl. Cajun): | 23,056 | ±1,647 |
Speak English "very well" | 18,171 | ±1,251 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 4,885 | ±694 |
Haitian: | 15,590 | ±1,855 |
Speak English "very well" | 9,080 | ±1,314 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 6,510 | ±879 |
Italian: | 26,305 | ±1,738 |
Speak English "very well" | 18,942 | ±1,507 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 7,363 | ±762 |
Portuguese: | 35,604 | ±2,521 |
Speak English "very well" | 20,043 | ±1,747 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 15,561 | ±1,479 |
German: | 8,735 | ±859 |
Speak English "very well" | 7,796 | ±865 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 939 | ±199 |
Yiddish, Pennsylvania Dutch or other West Germanic languages: | 2,061 | ±425 |
Speak English "very well" | 1,878 | ±407 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 183 | ±84 |
Greek: | 8,750 | ±1,191 |
Speak English "very well" | 6,423 | ±909 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 2,327 | ±500 |
Russian: | 10,255 | ±1,211 |
Speak English "very well" | 6,451 | ±881 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 3,804 | ±621 |
Polish: | 29,528 | ±2,080 |
Speak English "very well" | 17,786 | ±1,439 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 11,742 | ±1,032 |
Serbo-Croatian: | 4,712 | ±853 |
Speak English "very well" | 2,892 | ±559 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 1,820 | ±466 |
Ukrainian or other Slavic languages: | 5,224 | ±824 |
Speak English "very well" | 3,414 | ±646 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 1,810 | ±430 |
Armenian: | 690 | ±222 |
Speak English "very well" | 616 | ±207 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 74 | ±48 |
Persian (incl. Farsi, Dari): | 2,253 | ±658 |
Speak English "very well" | 1,820 | ±614 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 433 | ±166 |
Gujarati: | 7,991 | ±1,132 |
Speak English "very well" | 4,879 | ±822 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 3,112 | ±632 |
Hindi: | 13,657 | ±1,384 |
Speak English "very well" | 10,784 | ±1,251 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 2,873 | ±531 |
Urdu: | 7,027 | ±1,159 |
Speak English "very well" | 4,789 | ±882 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 2,238 | ±434 |
Punjabi: | 1,514 | ±474 |
Speak English "very well" | 1,049 | ±392 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 465 | ±227 |
Bengali: | 5,839 | ±1,011 |
Speak English "very well" | 3,497 | ±728 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 2,342 | ±522 |
Nepali, Marathi, or other Indic languages: | 4,730 | ±708 |
Speak English "very well" | 3,553 | ±649 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 1,177 | ±270 |
Other Indo-European languages: | 16,741 | ±1,861 |
Speak English "very well" | 11,958 | ±1,497 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 4,783 | ±751 |
Telugu: | 5,929 | ±824 |
Speak English "very well" | 4,443 | ±698 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 1,486 | ±409 |
Tamil: | 5,963 | ±1,075 |
Speak English "very well" | 4,906 | ±958 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 1,057 | ±306 |
Malayalam, Kannada, or other Dravidian languages: | 3,373 | ±657 |
Speak English "very well" | 2,633 | ±533 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 740 | ±243 |
Chinese (incl. Mandarin, Cantonese): | 28,340 | ±1,775 |
Speak English "very well" | 15,206 | ±1,133 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 13,134 | ±1,076 |
Japanese: | 3,896 | ±741 |
Speak English "very well" | 2,587 | ±543 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 1,309 | ±376 |
Korean: | 6,353 | ±800 |
Speak English "very well" | 3,491 | ±556 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 2,862 | ±456 |
Hmong: | 104 | ±105 |
Speak English "very well" | 77 | ±87 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 27 | ±34 |
Vietnamese: | 8,181 | ±1,025 |
Speak English "very well" | 3,794 | ±562 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 4,387 | ±672 |
Khmer: | 2,182 | ±635 |
Speak English "very well" | 970 | ±394 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 1,212 | ±347 |
Thai, Lao, or other Tai-Kadai languages: | 3,272 | ±677 |
Speak English "very well" | 1,902 | ±514 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 1,370 | ±319 |
Other languages of Asia: | 3,198 | ±620 |
Speak English "very well" | 2,034 | ±443 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 1,164 | ±357 |
Tagalog (incl. Filipino): | 7,415 | ±998 |
Speak English "very well" | 5,085 | ±782 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 2,330 | ±494 |
Ilocano, Samoan, Hawaiian, or other Austronesian languages: | 954 | ±329 |
Speak English "very well" | 585 | ±217 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 369 | ±175 |
Arabic: | 12,663 | ±1,482 |
Speak English "very well" | 8,108 | ±1,080 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 4,555 | ±738 |
Hebrew: | 2,343 | ±512 |
Speak English "very well" | 2,153 | ±503 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 190 | ±79 |
Amharic, Somali, or other Afro-Asiatic languages: | 1,503 | ±686 |
Speak English "very well" | 1,118 | ±626 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 385 | ±198 |
Yoruba, Twi, Igbo, or other languages of Western Africa: | 7,490 | ±1,315 |
Speak English "very well" | 6,568 | ±1,214 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 922 | ±242 |
Swahili or other languages of Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa: | 2,240 | ±702 |
Speak English "very well" | 1,420 | ±480 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 820 | ±453 |
Navajo: | 15 | ±26 |
Speak English "very well" | 15 | ±26 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 0 | ±30 |
Other Native languages of North America: | 585 | ±498 |
Speak English "very well" | 315 | ±338 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 270 | ±369 |
Other and unspecified languages: | 9,316 | ±1,257 |
Speak English "very well" | 7,586 | ±1,143 |
Speak English less than "very well" | 1,730 | ±377 |
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