Public libraries nationwide offer learning and exploration summer programs. These programs aim to provide youth and adults with services and activities that engage participants meaningfully throughout the summer months. Building Equity Based Summers Through Libraries & Communities (BEBS) is an IMLS Grant program that the CT State Library is participating in.
The work that influences this current iteration of BEBS was greatly influenced by a previous IMLS grant run in California run by the California Library Association and the California State Library.
The CT State Library is looking for five Connecticut public libraries to participate in the second year of this three-year initiative. Through eight coworking sessions, each participating library will work with their state consultant through various activities to learn to build library staff skills and summer library programs and services that are equitable across a community.
Participants will work to evaluate:
- The Why of Summer Services and the Why of Equitable Summer Services
- Letting Go of Tradition
- Connecting with Community Voice for Equitable Summer Services
- Summer Services Impact: What Does Success Look Like
Participants will also work through BEBS Equity Principles and Indicators of Summer Services.
- Equitable Design- Summer services are designed and implemented with community voice
- Equitable Decision-Making- Summer services library decision-making processes are embedded in an equity-based community mindset
- Equitable Opportunities- Summer services expand opportunities for learning and connection
- Equitable Engagement- Summer services actively engage systemically marginalized youth, families, and communities
Learn more about the BEBS IMLS project.
Read the BEBS year one post survey report for CT
Read the BEBS year one post survey report for the IMLS cohort
Visit the BEBS website
Questions can be emailed to Kymberlee Powe at
“This project is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.”