Early literacy services include consulting services and continuing education for children and school librarians. In February 2024, DLD announced a new initiative, CT Ready to Read, which equips public library staff with the education and tools needed to promote and develop early literacy skills and reading readiness in their communities. Through research-backed learning models, workshops, and resources, library staff are provided the opportunity to learn to model for, and work with parents, caregivers, and children. To date, workshops included "Every Child Ready to Read" and "Re-Imagining School Readiness.”
The Middletown Library Service Center (MLSC) collection provides circulating library materials in print, audio, and digital formats to supplement collections and support libraries of all types across Connecticut. The MLSC collection provides support for libraries facing budget and physical space limitations. Through the work of the Division of Library Development (DLD) consultants, the Division has learned that many libraries, especially school libraries, could not function without access to the CT State Library’s supplemental circulating collections.
The CT State Library Division of Library Development (DLD) professional staff are consulted by libraries across the state within their areas of specialty, which include youth and adult services, statistics, E-Rate, digital inclusion, library management, and partnerships.
Designed in response to libraries’ communities’ needs, professional development and continuing education offerings include trainings on database resources, leadership, management, communications and presentation skills, capital projects, budgeting, customer service, children and teen services, readers advisory, inclusive and accessible library services and more. LSTA funds provided $133,530 for 106 professional development webinars attended by over 1,300 library workers.
Across the state, 83 CT public libraries ran 8,827 summer reading programs and activities with 229,470 kids, teens, and families participating as part of Summer with the Library.
LSTA sub-grants totaling $56,000 were given to 18 libraries to improve summer reading and family engagement, including Summer Enrichment Grants totaling $21,210.98 that were awarded to 13 public libraries across the state through a competitive grant process.
The MLSC is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. During business hours, visitors may browse the collection, pick up requested items, or drop off materials checked out to your library.
The MLSC circulating collections supports and supplements the collections of academic, public, school, and special libraries throughout Connecticut. The collection includes books, book discussion sets, book props, puppets, large print books, STEM Kits, and a professional collection.
The MLSC Equipment Catalog enables library staff to browse for and reserve book discussion sets, book bundles, Civics kits, puppets, Storytime kits, StoryWalk kits and STEM kits.
This project is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Connecticut State Library.
Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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