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Summer With the Library

Learn about the various resources and supports for libraries and they plan for summer.

CT State Library Goals for Summer

  • To train librarians to center equity in summer program
  • To encourage libraries to focus on summer programing outcomes
    • Outcome-based results tell the stories behind your summer reading statistics
    • An outcome-based approach gives you information for a great “how we did it good” story to tell the media, elected officials, and other stakeholders.
    • Programs designed to achieve measurable outcomes are more likely to achieve results that are relevant to the community
    • Libraries that can demonstrate that their programs contribute to positive outcomes have a competitive edge when looking for funding. (source)
  • To help/encourage libraries to build community connections and partnerships
    • Partner= organization that contributes resources (space, staff, transportation, etc.) to the project
  • To provide free, high quality enrichment opportunities and learning for CT residents during the summer 
  • To provide consultation and work with libraries to develop and test new programming and outreach models
  • To support a community of practice among library staff.
  • To celebrate reading, literacy, and learning

Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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