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Probate Court Records

Finding and Using Connecticut Probate Court Records

Probate records contain information about family relationships, property holdings and values, and land and building descriptions. Documents in probate records include wills; petitions for probate or administration; bonds, inventories and accounts; receipts from heirs and/or creditors; and petitions for dower, support, distribution, or division. In addition to handling estates of deceased persons, Connecticut probate courts also handled guardianships, adoptions, and conservatorships of "incompetent" persons. There are two types of probate materials: Record Volumes and Estate Papers.

Probate Record Volumes

Probate Record Volumes are the official record of the Probate Court. The Volumes are typically arranged chronologically with Indexes at the beginning. A vast amount of Record Volumes were microfilmed many years ago. This microfilm has been digitized and is available through a Place search of the FamilySearch catalog. For example, this link will bring you to the catalog record for Hartford Probate Record Volumes from 1649-1932. The camera symbol under the format column will bring you to the digitized volumes!

Check our Probate Districts by Town guide to see which district or districts a town belonged to at different times. This guide also has links to record volumes, estate papers, and more.

Andover Probate Court Record Volume 10, Cynthia Alvord's Will

Andover Probate Record Volume 10, Cynthia Alvord's Will Andover Probate Record Volume 10, Cynthia Alvord's Will


Probate Estate Files

Once you locate a name of interest in the Index, you can view the original files as most of the estate papers have been microfilmed. Use our Probate Districts by Town guide to locate digitized records and more.

 Digitized images of Cynthia Alvord's Will & Inventory found through FamilySearch.

Cynthia Alvord's Will from her estate fileAn Inventory of Cynthia Alvord's estate  


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