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Connecticut Libraries Help Center

Helping with management, legal, technical, and other issues faced in running your library


Link for Advocacy Page
Link to Handbook for Directors Page
Link to Legal Topics Page
Link to Other Library Topics Page
Link to Library Policies Page
Link to CT Library Employees Page
Link to DLD News and Socials Page
Link to DLD Liaison Page

Connecticut Public Libraries' Snapshot

  • 169 Towns in Connecticut
  • 164 Principal Public Libraries
  • 4 Towns with no libraries (contract with other towns)
  • 26 Non-Principal Public Libraries
  • 190 Total Public Libraries (counting by administrative unit)
  • 45 Branch Libraries
  • 235 Total Libraries including Branches
  • 5 Libraries have Bookmobiles
  • 240 Total Library “Outlets” (including branches and bookmobiles)

Page Provided by DLD

This page is maintained by staff from the
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Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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