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findIT CT - Statewide Library Catalog

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Sending Records via SFTP

The server that you will be connecting to uses Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), which provides a secure connection. You will need a client that supports SFTP, rather than FTP.  If you don't have one, you will need to download and install one. We recommend WinSCP which is free to download and use.

Please compress or zip the file before sending it, if possible. This will make the file smaller so that the transfer will be quicker and it will save space on the SFTP server.

In 2020, we introduced a new automated procedure to keep findIT up-to-date. This new process does not require human intervention unless there is a problem. Note that there a few changes to the FTP procedures and those changes are in bold font below.

Name your file with your findIT CT ID, followed by the date that you submitted the file in the format  YYYYMMDD. For example, the Middletown Library Service Center is CZLM, so if we submitted our file on February 1, 2025 it would be named: CZLM20250201. Don't know your library code? Use the spreadsheet on the "Library Codes" page to find your library's findIT CT library code.

  • Open your SFTP program
  • Go to host name:
  • Port should be 22
  • Please contact Gail Hurley ( for your username/password if you don't have it
  • Remove any directories you may have set up in your FTP software.
  • You do not need to specify a directory on the server. 
  • Close the connection and/or exit the SFTP program (depends on SFTP program you are using).

We also recommend that you do not upload more than once a month. 

Questions? Please contact us using the form below.

findIT CT - About

findIT CT Logo

findIT CT is Connecticut's new
Statewide Library Catalog


findIT CT is funded by the State of Connecticut and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Connecticut State Library.

CT State Library "Preserving the past. Informing the Future." logo Institute of Museum and Library Services logo

Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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