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Middletown Library Service Center

A Library for Librarians

The Middletown Library Service Center (MLSC) is part of the Connecticut State Library's Division of Library Development and supports librarians and libraries across the state of Connecticut.  

Our collection 

The MLSC collection supports  and supplements the collections of academic, public, school, and special libraries throughout Connecticut.  The collection includes books, book discussion sets, book props, puppets, large print books, STEM Kits, and a professional collection.  Learn more about our collections on the circulating collections page.

How to borrow items- Search our catalog

Search Primo

MLSC has two different systems to allow libraries to request items. Primo allows you to request individual book items (professional reading material, non-fiction, picture books, young adult books). Primo is also how you will manage your library account with MLSC. Through Primo you can check what items you have checked out and their check due dates.

Not sure how to use Primo? Follow the directions below.

How to borrow items- Search our equipment catalog

Search Libcal

Libcal allows users to request kit and set items (STEM kits, book discussion sets, book props, Welcoming Library, and musical instruments).

New Picture Books

New Juvenile Nonfiction

New Young Adult Titles


This project is funded by the State of Connecticut and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Connecticut State Library. 

Institute of Museum and Library Services Logo

Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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