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Towards Inclusive Accessibility in Libraries (TIAL)

Resources and information related to the TIAL series

Dr. Clayton Copeland - Bio

Dr. Clayton A. Copeland is the director of the Laboratory for Leadership in Equity of Access and Diversity (LLEAD) at the University of South Carolina’s School of Information Science. Much of her research focuses upon equity of access to information for people with disabilities. Copeland also pursues research interests in universal design and Universal Design for Learning, literacy, facilities planning, technology, and materials and programming for children and young adults. She manages the Linda Lucas Walling Collection for Disabled Children and recently co-authored and edited Disabilities and the Library: Fostering Equity for Patrons and Staff with Differing Abilities

Dr. Copeland will kick off TIAL on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, with the first of a three-part series, "Using Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Solutions (IDEAS) to Foster a Welcoming Library."  A brief description and registration links for each webinar can be found on the Accessibility in the Library page of this guide. 

Using Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Solutions (IDEAS) to Foster a Welcoming Library - Resources

Developing an Accessibility Lens - Resources

Questions for Discussion

  • What does disability mean to you? What does accessibility mean to you?
  • Are libraries and librarianship evolving in the context of equity of access and accessibility? 
  • What are your perceptions of accessibility today? What perceptions do you observe?
  • Are the definitions and perceptions of disability and accessibility changing and evolving? If so, how, why? If not, why not? What impact, if any, does this have on librarianship today and in the future?
  • What are the contributors to these definitions and perceptions? How can we create awareness/effect change? 

Taking Action with Accessibility

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