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Creative Aging in CT Libraries

A Partnership Program with Lifetime Arts, the CT Office of the Arts, and the CT State Library

Application Process

In April, Lifetime Arts hosted a webinar for CT Libraries titled Creative Aging in Connecticut Libraries - Introductory Webinar with Lifetime Arts in partnership with the CT Office of the Arts (COA) and the CT State Library. Libraries who attended the webinar were eligible to apply for an opportunity to implement creative aging programs with coaching and technical assistance.  

All lead partners assisted with the selection of a cohort of 10 Connecticut libraries to pilot creative aging programs with CT teaching artists through COA.

Each of the 10 pilot CT libraries receives the following:

  • Access to Creative Aging Foundations On Demand.
  • Up 4 hours of coaching per program, including individual coaching and group sessions from Lifetime Arts.
  • Support in pairing a COA Lead Teaching Artist and Teaching Artist Mentee for each library program, both of whom will assist in program creation and materials selection.
  • Consulting and support from the CT State Library as each pilot library implements their creative again program
  • Approximately $2500 of funding per library from Lifetime Arts to support this initiative. Selected pilot libraries will work with Lifetime Arts and COA to develop a project budget as they match with teaching artists and identify materials costs.

Application Timeline

  • Applications Open: Friday, April 28, 2023
  • Applications Due: Friday, May 19, 2023
  • Selected Libraries Informed: Thursday, June 1, 2023
  • Cohort Kickoff Webinar: Thursday, June 22, 2023
  • Selected libraries will come together to review next steps and get questions answered about implementing programs.

Project Timeline

  • Community Assessments: June - July, 2023
    • Library cohort will disseminate surveys to older adult communities to help inform program development.

  • Teaching Artist Matching: July - August, 2023
    • Based upon community assessments, libraries will be matched with teaching artists through the CT Office for the Arts.

  • Coaching and Program Planning: June - August, 2023
    • Lifetime Arts will provide consultation to the selected libraries and teaching artists to provide individual guidance. In collaboration with the teaching artists, a program plan will be developed and sent to Lifetime Arts for review, including a curriculum outline and budget.

  • Program Delivery: August 1 - November 30, 2023
    • Programs may be implemented during this time.

Eligibility Guidelines

The CT State Library and partners seek to identify 10 pilot libraries from across the state representing a range of diverse communities and needs with a mix of rural, suburban and urban municipalities with an eye towards equity and inclusion.

To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

  • Attended Creative Aging in Connecticut Libraries - Introductory Webinar with Lifetime Arts on April 27 or watch the verified recording.
    • On Friday, April 28, we will share the link to watch the April 27th webinar recording.  You will need to enter your name, email, and library in order to access and view the recording before submitting an application.
  • Participate in all training sessions.
  • Commit to participating in technical assistance and coaching activity.
  • Commit to documenting and sharing documentation of the program with all lead partners.
  • Demonstrate intent to sustain creative aging programming.
  • Have use of an accessible, dedicated space in which to host workshops (either onsite or offsite via a partnership) or the ability to host remote programs.


To view and submit an application, click the button below.


Logos: Lifetime Arts, CT State Library Division of Library Development, CT Department of Economic and Community Development Office of the Arts

Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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