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Civic/Social Literacy

What Does Civic Literacy Encompass?

  • Understanding of democracy, government, 3 branches and their powers, checks and balances
  • Ability to identify one's own elected representatives (local, state, US)
  • Foundational documents – Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, Bill of Rights, additional amendments
  • Voter registration, voter rights, how to vote, informed voting
  • How a bill becomes a law
  • How to run for office or help someone run
  • Role of the Supreme Court
  • Mechanisms and structure of the US legal system
  • Jury duty, the role of the jury in the legal system
  • Role of the press/media
  • Municipal government structures, legislative process at municipal level, role of town committees
  • Communicating with elected officials
  • Consciousness about the issues that are most important to an individual and her/his community
  • Volunteerism/community service
  • Public service – elected or volunteer
  • FOIA, public records, archives
  • Role of the federal government in shaping the economy
  • Citizenship
  • Political vehicles for representing public opinion and effecting political change
  • Engaging in dialogue with those who hold different perspectives
  • Utilizing non-electoral means to voice opinion (protest, petitioning, surveying, letter writing, boycotting, and so on)
  • Organizing and demonstrating

And more!

Potential Partners

There are many organizations and agencies in Connecticut that can partner with libraries on public programming:

Libaries and Civic Literacy

Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478
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