For sign language interpreters, call 2-1-1, or visit the 211 Connecticut web page and search for “Sign Language Interpretation.” TTY: 800-671-0737.
The Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) will continue to monitor and post a statewide Interpreter Registry. All sign language interpreters working for compensation in Connecticut must satisfy the mandates of established law CT General Statute Sec. 46a-33a, including annual registration with DORS and submission of documented credentials, including certification by a nationally recognized board.
In Connecticut, live real-time captioning for telephone calls is available for free through T-Mobile IP Relay or Relay Connecticut. Both offer services for conference calls. Relay Connecticut can provide captioning for virtual meetings as well.
Formatting guidelines for accessible print materials from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health
By integrating concepts of Universal Design into your library, you can ensure that buildings and services can be used by the broadest number of people. For an overview of Universal Design and its concepts, visit the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design's About Universal Design page. For more information, check out these resources:
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